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Mr. Ma Xingrui, Governor of Guangdong Province performed investigation in Nansha, Driving Greater Breakthrough of the Construction of Guangdong Pilot Free Trade Zone

DATE:2018.06.30 SOURCE:

A few days ago, Mr. Ma Xingrui, Governor of Guangdong Province, and his party, performed investigation of Pony.ai and Cloudwalk located in Heung Kong International Technovation Centre to gain in-depth knowledge of the development of companies in the Free Trade Zone.

Heung Kong International Technovation Centre, situated in the central area of Jiaomen River, Nansha, is seeking to become a brand-new technology innovation system platform incorporating advanced technical R&D, forward-looking technical training, technological innovation incubation, industry exchanges and intellectual results trading.

At present, several well-known technology enterprises and organizations of Nansha, including Cloudwalk, Pony.ai and Heung Kong’s “Unicorn Field” Accelerator (Microsoft Cloud & Mobile Technology Incubation Program - Guangzhou Cloud & Mobile APP Incubator), have settled in Heung Kong International Technovation Centre. And in the next month, the intelligent robot project landed by Intel Vision under SMW will also open.

To accommodate the needs of numerous technology enterprises and organizations, Heung Kong International Technovation Centre goes beyond being a vehicle merely satisfying office needs and strives to turn itself into a “intellectual city-industry complex”. It will serve as a one-stop solution offering intellectual and innovative office space, technology exhibition halls, international talent apartments and high-end commercial services, and will roll out across the country along with the city-industry expansion of Heung Kong to form a carrier for tech- innovation city-industry integration featuring interactive and interconnected resources.

According to the project leader, Heung Kong International Technovation Centre plans to attract 200 enterprises to incubate and settle there within 3 years, mainly oriented towards high-tech industry ecological chain such as artificial intelligence, block chain, mobile Internet, intelligent manufacturing and intelligent hardware. Also it will facilitate 30 teams to access a new round of financing, generating an output value up to RMB 1 million and driving more than RMB 6 million output value.
