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    Heung Kong Charitable Foundation Donates Me Than 800 Thous Yuan to Tajik Students

    DATE:2016.09.15 SOURCE:


    In the mning of September 12, at the opening ceremony of Shong Wendeng Nmal School, Heung Kong Charitable Foundation Shenzhen Jiuteng Cultural Foundation made financial donations to help 24 students from Xinjiang to accept education.

    Han Wenfei, president of Shong Wendeng Nmal School presided over the ceremony. Secretary general of the Strategic Foundation of General Staff of Chinese People’s Liberation Army, the maj general Liu Nianyuan, direct of Heung Kong Charitable Foundation Wang Shisi, the direct of Heung Kong Charitable Foundation, doct-general of Shenzhen Jiuteng Cultural Foundation, fmer direct of Regional Economic Research Institute, Shenzhen University, Liu Huiyuan, the president assistant of Heung Kong Group direct of Heung Kong Charitable Foundation Zhang Zichun, deputy direct of Weihai Education Bureau Wang Wei as well as teachers students of Wendeng Nmal School, totally me than 2.5 thous people attended the ceremony.

    Wang Shisi Zhang Zichun donated 821.54 thous yuan (check) on behalf of the Foundation at the ceremony. President Han Wenfei expressed gratitude to the guests’ generosity awarded donation certificates to them.

    President Zhai Meiqing entrusted Zhang Zichun to make a speech at the ceremony. He said that recent years, the government was promoting the Belt Road strategy. As a responsible enterprise, Heung Kong Group always advocated the government’s strategies policies with practical activities. This time, Heung Kong Charitable Foundation cooperated with Shenzhen Jiuteng Cultural Educational Foundation to finance 24 students from Xinjiang to accept education in Wendeng Nmal School, which was an active response to the government’s strategy in the way of charity. The education aid of this time would change the students’ lives greatly. They would return to Xinjiang to be teachers after graduation, bring the language cultures of Han nationality to me Tajik children. Tajikistan is a strategic pass f China to implement the Belt Road strategy westward, is the only way on the China-Pakistan economic crid. Hope the children to be angles on the way westward.